Saturday, December 22, 2007

Unreliability in people!

What is it with people nowdays? Ever arranged to meet someone and they just can't be arsed turning up?
This seems to be a new phenomenon in todays society and is as clear an evidence as any of the societies crumbling interest in others.
Remember when phones were used? You would call and notify of your not being able to make a pre-arranged appointment. Today we are blessed, perhaps not the word, with SMS, email, mobiles, answering machines, land lines, smoke signals, pens, pencils and snailmail, yet it seems all to hard to ensure some poor bastard dosen't waste his day waiting for an appoitment that just isn't going to happen.
Perhaps this is one railfan who isn't keeping up with the changing times. Perhaps it is time for this little black duck to start making arrangements and then saying STUFF IT, I can't be bothered, they will understand.
Afterall, it is 2007 and my fellow man/woman should not have any feelings. That sort of luxury is reserved only for myself.
God I detest people!

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